Monday, June 2, 2008

Drink pomegranate & get acne and causes of pimples acne

Every drug store you look in undoubtedly has dozens and dozens of different products you can use to "clear acne in days. There are different options for body acne treatment for clearing acne in areas other than the face. They are effective in reducing the depth of fine lines, smoothing rough skin texture, fading brown spots and assisting in clearing acne/ blemished skin. You have to clear acne working with your body, not against it. Whatever your goals, when you finally decide to stop making the same mistakes that have been holding you back and you diligently begin applying the techniques to clear your acne, you can literally choose any skin you want. Now that you have been given some pointers to clear acne in different ways I hope you can put them to use and save money.
The skin on the back is thicker as compared as any other part of the body. One of the best treatment options is about 10 per cent benzoyle peroxide. This solution is not suitable for thinner skin.
The best and most effective way to treat adult acne is to start with a visit to the dermatologist. Your dermatologist will help you clear your skin up by using treatments that are not available to you at home or over the counter. These include prescription oral and topical medications that will help such as retinoids, antibiotics (don't overuse antibiotics), azelaic acid and even birth control pills, which can sometime help and other times be counter-productive. Laser treatments are also an option at your dermatologist's office. For very severe adult acne, your doctor may prescribe Accutane, which is very effective, but will produce birth defects in unborn babies, so it must not by used by pregnant women.
tags: black soap for acne, zinc supplement acne ask make-up, taking a hot shower will cause acne
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