Monday, June 2, 2008

Acne and pregnancy and bad acne around mouth

Acne and blemishes are the skin curse of many people around the world; however, medical science continues to look at new remedies. Due to the widespread nature of this condition, scientific research into this area is intense; now, some of these skin conditions are gradually being conquered. There are a broad range of acne skin care products available, including over the counter treatments and doctor prescriptions.
Often, adults that thought they were safe from teenage acne encounter the problem again as an adult. Exactly what the reason for this is just is not clear but it is crystal clear that late stage onset of acne is caused by adolescent acne.
So, then I started looking in the internet for acne treatment for men. I was then came upon a remedy that changed my life forever. The remedy was simple did not take that much time or money. Let me remind you that I have tried Proactive, Murad, Acne Free, Clearsil, Neutragena, and everything else that promises you clear skin. The remedy included Baking Soda, and a hot rag or towel. I would then start off with the baking soda. I would make the baking soda into a paste by mixing it with a little bit of water. The remedy said to apply to affected areas. My whole face was affected so I just had to apply the paste to my whole face. Every night I would apply this paste. The paste drys your pimples out leaving them to look and feel like frozen little mountains. Don't worry they will only look like this with the paste on. So every morning I would wash off the paste because it drys up into sort of like a facial mask. Once I wash my face it feels refreshing and almost all pimples are washed off along with baking soda.
tags: www. acne skin care .com, does clean and clear acne kit really work, black soap prevent acne

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