Thursday, October 2, 2008

How to prevent and stop acne and pimples

« ...The easiest way to get rid of acne scars is to go through a surgical procedure. Basically, a dermatologist cuts out your acne scar and uses a skin graft to replace the skin where the acne scar was. These procedures are obviously costly, and can sometimes be painful, however; it is an easy way out if you have the money, and if you are willing to deal with the pain and/or complications....
...Laser and intense pulsed light (IPL) therapies can be very effective for acne scars. These lasers/lights work by using an intense light focused on the skin. The scar is given special attention as the light/laser penetrates through the skin "burning" off the scar tissue. The light stimulates new collagen within the skin. When the treated area heals the blemish is usually less noticeable. The effectiveness of lasers and IPL treatments depends on skin type and type of scar....»
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«...Nevertheless, squeezing acne prior to it being ready is not good for your skin and is a poor method to treat acne. When it will not pop, the majority of people continue to pick and pinch, which bursts the capillaries (tiny blood vessels) just beneath the surface of the skin. This basically forms a small bruise on your face that is probably going to be very visible even after the pimple itself has eventually healed....»
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tags: proactiv soap acne, acne dummy dummy fitness health, acne care product skin

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