Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne, pills, ivf medication and how to remove unwanted acne

Some doctors will prescribe certain antibiotics to treat acne. The basis for this treatment is the concept that worse cases of acne usually imply a high susceptibility to infections. This concept is true. However, all people who have a low pH level are highly susceptible to infections and illness. And by using antibiotics, you are both ignoring the reason behind this vulnerability, and stopping your body from producing its own antibodies. You will then build a tolerance to antibiotics and require more when you are actually ill.
Puberty stimulated by hormones from the adrenal glands of both sexes is the most favored period for one to incur this disease, in case they have oil glands uncontrolled. The uncontrolled oil secretion stimulates bacteria, (which live in everyone's skin and generally cause no problems), to multiply and cause surrounding tissues to become inflamed. A pustule is formed when the inflammation is near the surface. If the inflammation is deeper, a papule popularly called pimple will be formed. Cyst occurs in case the inflammation is still deeper.
Tea tree oil is the most effective acne treating regimen that I have personally seen. It is even better than benzoyl peroxide and other products in the market. The best thing is that it is cheap and does not cause any irritation to your skin.
tags: what can i do to get rid of my acne, will tea tree oil cure acne, acne scarring home remedies

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